Wednesday, September 1, 2010

El Posto Numero Uno

Hi, my name is Luke Adams and this is my first blog post for RTF. I am taking this class because I am an amateur filmmaker and looking to learn about my future profession. I think RTF 305 is the best way to introduce myself to college film classes. I am hoping to learn the basics in 305 that will help me in all my future RTF classes. My goal in the filmmaking world is to be a cinematographer. I love being behind the camera and controlling it.

In case you didn't know, I'm already pretty famous in front of the camera. 

Pause it at the 24 second mark. You see the kid in the black, 2 people to the left of Vanessa holding up the hook'em horns? That's me.

Pause it at the 2:19-2:20 mark. You see that blurry face that comes into the shot during the prom scene. That's me again.

I'm all over this one.

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